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Tesla Model 3 Integrated Marketing Campaign


07 / 06 / 2020


You could argue that with Elon Musk as a walking ​advertisement, Tesla doesn't need traditional paid methods. However, this project set out to see what a Tesla campaign could look like. Specifically focusing on the Tesla Model 3, this campaign has broken down the vehicle into three key pillars - Sustainability, Accessibility, and Driving Experience. We began with research to understand Tesla, consumer behavior, and the electric vehicle industry. After carefully constructing a target market and understanding their drivers, five media ideas were created to bring the Tesla Model 3 to the masses. 

Project Duration: 4 Weeks


After presenting these ideas via Zoom, we received a perfect score and given the following comments by the professor: 


"BRILLIANT - Your presentation skills, smart, intelligent integration of ideas, cohesive and engaging."

"You presented so CONFIDENTLY with such clear knowledge and understanding of what you were talking about."


"Your group has exceeded all my expectations. I'd love to hire all of you."

Brand Pillars & Key Insights

We began by conducting research on the brand, competitors, and audience.

Target Audience

The Model 3 campaign targets the "Modern Majority," an audience composed of open-minded and progressive individuals who are interested in technology, eco-friendly products, and staying informed through the internet and social media. This audience, primarily college-educated with a household income around $75K, is hesitant to purchase electric vehicles due to the higher upfront costs and lack of knowledge about the infrastructure needed to drive them. The campaign aims to educate this audience about the cost-effective elements, tax breaks, and safety features of the Model 3 in order to make Tesla ownership feel like a reality for them.

Messaging Strategy

Investing in a Tesla means investing in the future of our world. At the center of innovative, sustainable, and eclectic design, Tesla is an industry leader. The Model 3 challenges the other Tesla models by providing a more affordable option and becoming more readily available to everyday consumers. Messaging should demonstrate the ease of switching to electric and the investment that the owner is making in themselves and technological innovation. With the Model 3, Tesla demonstrates that the future is here and it’s right at our fingertips.

Product Research

It was critical to understand the capabilities and features of the Tesla Model 3 in order to make informed decisions about marketing..

User Experience

We looked at the buying experience to understand how consumers make purchase decisions.

Roadmap & Activations

We constructed detailed plans for the five activations in this campaign - Paid Search Rebranding, Netflix Documentary,, Jimmy Kimmel Feature, 'Electrifying The Nation' Event, and Museum of the Future (see full details in complete deck).

Netflix Documentary Trailer

Car for the Masses Trailer

Car for the Masses Trailer

Play Video

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